The King of Male Hormones

What men over 35 need to know about the king of male hormones. Testosterone

There comes a time for men when we say to ourselves " I just dont feel like I use to" sound familiar? As we approach middle age we too go through some significant hormonal chemistry alterations just as women.
Its not because we are getting old its because the relation of how we use to care for our mind- body as an adolescent or a young adult is getting old. It just doesnt serve us anymore in so many levels.

Many hormonal scientific breakthroughs have occured in womens health. Why, one might ask?
Women have pioneered research and exploration into these changes that occur for them during these times. Non more so than those that occur during their passage into menopause. Because in the doctor's office they will stand out, share, complain, make a scene by yelling, kicking and screaming while being escorted out by security until the doctor finds out whats wrong. Ok, maybe not all women, or most. Maybe, its because they are nurturers and have developed a keen body-awareness. I really don't know. Bottom line is women ask for help!

Very, very little research has gone into mens hormonal changes during mid-life. We men like to hide and be in denial when our body starts breaking down. This results, quite often, not only in loss of energy and libido, but in a number of imbalances & conditions that plague men later in life. And I put myself in this equation. There are some sports related injuries that "I think i just have to power through because thats the manly thing to do". In a sense, in the meantime I do have to. But i'm stubborn when it comes to asking

Men are long overdue for their own exploration into this territory. And I believe starting with the king of male hormones testosterone is a phenomenal start. Although, the lean muscle and sexual health can bring so many positive benefits (and to your partner ; ) the real-deal is the psychological aspect. Beliefs, hopes, dreams & aspirations will be altered. The willingness to reamain vital and strong in the later years will be amplified. Prevention is power!


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